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Food to Farm
This a resource for all business owners who are involved with agriculture, food service, and food making businesses. Listed below are programs, grants and resources for these Idaho businesses.

Food to Farm Focus Group

Idaho Veteran Chamber of Commerce - Main

Make Your Voice Heard

Join the talk about how we can better support Veteran and Spouse Business Owners in Idaho! This includes food to farm businesses from aspiring, startups, growth or scaling, and resource network hub

Programs & Events

Idaho Harvest Heroes Podcast 

The Idaho Harvest Heroes Podcast will deliver production, marketing, financial, legal and human risk management education to new and beginning veteran farmers and ranchers through stories directly from experienced veteran producers.

Over the next ten episodes, we will highlight veterans who have reduced their risks through diversification, innovation, creativity, and who have successfully navigated relevant state, regional and federal USDA programs supporting veteran and new and beginning producers.

Getting Your Recipe to Market Course

Transform Your Recipe into a Retail Ready Food Product! Getting Your Recipe to Market is a unique 12-week training program that will help you turn your idea into a commercial-ready food product. In which you will learn industry essentials, how to avoid common mistakes, connect with and gather insight from local food professionals, prepare for the commercial market, and have access to one-on-one help in building your food product business. 


Grant & Loan Funding Opportunities

Beginning Farmer Institute
National Farmers Union's Beginning Farmer Institute (BFI) is a free, online, 10-week intensive program intended to improve the health of your farm or ranch business. The program is open to producers ages 18 and up and is inclusive of all operation types and scales of production.
FARE Idaho
Connect, align, and promote the shared interests of Idaho’s independent restaurants, family farms, food and beverage businesses. Our goal is to advance independent businesses, increase financial success and improve the conditions of those who work in our industries.
Farmer Veteran Coalition
The Farmer Veteran Fellowship Fund is a small grant program that provides direct assistance to veterans who are in their beginning years of farming or ranching.
Harvest Heroes
Our Harvest Heroes veteran beginning farming and gardening program offers individuals and families year round training and real world, hands-on experience in planning growing, harvesting, marketing, and enjoying fresh fruits and vegetables.
Idaho Farm and Ranch Center, Veteran Resources
The mission of the Center is to collaborate with partners to promote resources and organize efforts that help farmers and ranchers cultivate a viable and resilient agricultural industry.
Idaho Preferred
Seeking to integrate innovative strategies into your farm, ranch, or food craft business? Perhaps you are in need of specialized resources tailored to agricultural production. Check out the resources they provide!
Idaho State Department of Agriculture
Serving consumers and agriculture by safeguarding the public, plants, animals and the environment through promotion, education and regulation.
RFBC - Getting Your Recipe to Market
Getting Your Recipe to Market is a unique 12-week training program that will help you turn your idea into a commercial-ready food product. If you’re ready to get your recipe on grocery shelves but have no idea where to begin, Getting Your Recipe to Market is for you.
Sun Valley Institute for Resilience
The purpose of Sun Valley Institute for Resilience is to advance community resilience in Idaho’s Wood River Valley region by educating, investing and collaborating to ensure that the economy, environment and people thrive.
USDA - Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program
The primary goal of BFRDP is to help beginning farmers and ranchers in the United States and its territories enter and/or improve their successes in farming, ranching and management of nonindustrial private forest lands, through support for projects that provide education and mentoring.
USDA - Veteran and Entrepreneurship
As a veteran, you may find it challenging to determine what to do after military service, and to figure out how your experience can transfer to other career fields. USDA wants you to know that your experience and skillset can immediately and directly transfer to the field of agriculture.
University of Idaho Extension - Farm Stress Management
Farming is one of the most stressful occupations in the U.S. There is not just one source of stress for the American farmer. It is a high-risk profession, that ranks among the most hazardous industries in both fatal and nonfatal injuries. University of Idaho Extension is offering workshops and free mental health trainings.

Register Your Food to Farm Resource Organization

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